The Burmese is an "established breed". The history of the Burmese in North America dates back to 1930 when Dr. Joseph Thompson of San Francisco acquired a walnut-colored cat from the Orient. He breed Wong Mau to a Siamese and through selected breeding the Burmese was born. Burmese are people-oriented and almost doglike in personality. They love to shadow their owners and desire to give and receive affection. Burmese are true lap-loving companions; quick to learn, many learn to play fetch, and extremely loyal. Burmese enjoy being with people and really enjoy being with other cats as well. They delight in "helping" manage the house. The females like to be at "center stage" and assume an active role ruling the household. The males prefer to supervise from the lap position; they are more laid back and less opinionated. Nearly every Burmese owner and breeder will tell you that all you have to do is take a Burmese cat or kitten home and everyone who comes in contact with this delightful creature will become an instant cat lover. Many "cat haters" have become cat-loving enthusiasts because of an experience with a Burmese.